1 /**
  2  * @license
  3  * Copyright 2006 Dan Vanderkam (danvdk@gmail.com)
  4  * MIT-licenced: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
  5  */
  7 // This file contains typedefs and externs that are needed by the Closure Compiler.
  9 /**
 10  * @typedef {{
 11  *   px: number,
 12  *   py: number,
 13  *   isZooming: boolean,
 14  *   isPanning: boolean,
 15  *   is2DPan: boolean,
 16  *   cancelNextDblclick: boolean,
 17  *   initializeMouseDown:
 18  *       function(!Event, !Dygraph, !DygraphInteractionContext)
 19  * }}
 20  */
 21 var DygraphInteractionContext;
 23 /**
 24  * Point structure.
 25  *
 26  * xval_* and yval_* are the original unscaled data values,
 27  * while x_* and y_* are scaled to the range (0.0-1.0) for plotting.
 28  * yval_stacked is the cumulative Y value used for stacking graphs,
 29  * and bottom/top/minus/plus are used for error bar graphs.
 30  *
 31  * @typedef {{
 32  *     idx: number,
 33  *     name: string,
 34  *     x: ?number,
 35  *     xval: ?number,
 36  *     y_bottom: ?number,
 37  *     y: ?number,
 38  *     y_stacked: ?number,
 39  *     y_top: ?number,
 40  *     yval_minus: ?number,
 41  *     yval: ?number,
 42  *     yval_plus: ?number,
 43  *     yval_stacked
 44  * }}
 45  */
 46 Dygraph.PointType;