The current version of dygraphs is 1.1.1. Most users will want to download minified files for this version:

There's a hosted version of dygraphs on

<script src="//"></script>

You can install dygraphs using NPM or Bower.

To install using NPM:

$ npm install dygraphs
# dygraphs is now in node_modules/dygraphs/dygraph-combined.js

To install using bower:

$ bower install dygraphs
# dygraphs is now in bower_components/dygraphs/dygraph-combined.js

Most distributions include a source map. For non-concatenated JS, see dygraph-dev.js on github.

To generate your own minified JS, run:

git clone

This will create a dygraph.min.js file in the dygraphs directory.

You may also download files for previously-released versions:

See Version History for more information on each release.